Piksor V2.0 Testing Phase Begins: Key Updates

Hey Piksor Community,

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! We’re thrilled to announce that Piksor V2 is now live and ready for you to test at piksor.com/v2. This is your chance to experience all the exciting new features before the full release!


🔧 Global Updates:

  1. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Our UI has been significantly improved to ensure a seamless experience across all browsers.
  2. Enhanced Login & Registration: You can log into your account directly from a room you’ve already joined.
  3. Image Likes: You can now like images! Show your appreciation with just a click.
  4. Activity Insights: Curious about your image’s popularity? Click on the each image info counter icons to see who liked, viewed, or downloaded your images.
  5. Private Chat Control: For added privacy, you can now disable the private chat option to prevent direct messages.
  6. Image Info Control: Don’t want to see uploader names, or the like and comment counters? You can hide this information for a cleaner view.
  7. Streamlined Viewing: If you prefer an undistracted browsing experience, you can now remove the comments and members sections to focus solely on the images.
  8. User Blocking: You can block specific users from sending you private messages.
  9. Account Deletion: For registered members, we’ve added an option to delete your account easily if needed.



🏠 For Room Owners:

  1. Controlled Uploads & Comments: You can now restrict uploads and comments to logged-in users only. Each option is separately customizable from the room creation form.
  2. Download All Images: As a room owner, you can now download all shared images in your room as a single zip file.
  3. Comprehensive Room Stats: Gain full access to your room’s statistics, including total images, visits, likes, comments, and reports.
  4. Advanced Reporting: The report system has been upgraded. All reports are sent directly to you as the room owner, allowing you to take appropriate action.
  5. Pin Multiple Images & Comments: You can now pin multiple images and comments to keep important content at the top of your room.
  6. Improved User Blocking: The user-blocking function has been enhanced for better control over your room’s environment.
  7. Blacklist Spam: Easily blacklist links or comments from spammers to maintain the quality of discussions in your room.



Why Join the Test Phase?

This is a special opportunity to try out all the new features and provide feedback that will help us fine-tune the final version. Your insights are invaluable in making Piksor V2 the best it can be!


How to Participate:

Simply visit piksor.com/v2 and start exploring! We encourage you to test all the new features and let us know what you think. Your feedback will directly impact the final release, so don’t hold back!


Thank You for Your Support:

We appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm for Piksor. Together, we’re building a platform that’s better, safer, and more fun for everyone.


Happy testing, and we look forward to hearing from you!

The Piksor Team

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